



This blog is primarily set up for informational and motivational purposes.  All information presented is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge at the time posted but please remember I’m on my own journey too and so there may be omissions and mistakes at times.  I will do my best to correct mistakes and update information as I am made aware of the need.  That being said, I reserve the right right to make changes as appropriate or as needed at any time.


Yes, I am a Physical Therapist but I’m not a Vet nor a Doctor and don’t play one on tv!    The words and views shared here are from an individual sharing their experience and opinions so please always check with a medical professional!  I’m not here to determine the best diet for your or your horse, make medical diagnoses, or determine treatment for a medical condition for you or your pet.  Basically, the information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice!  Any and all alternative health discussions in this space is considered complimentary to and not in replacement of medical or veterinary care.  Please always consult with your Doctor or Vet and keep them informed of any changes you decide to make!


Sponsored posts may show up from time to time  but honesty and transparency are always a priority!  Such posts will be noted with disclosures for clarity.  Some of the links you’ll find in this blog are affiliate links. This means if you purchase something after clicking on one of the links, I get a percentage.  Please know that trust is very important to me and so I’m very careful with who and what I align myself with.  My thoughts and opinions are my own and if I link something to my site it is because I have used it and think it’s high quality or something I can stand behind!


Finally, please be aware that I reserve the right to remove or delete comments that are made in offense, harmful, or considered rude to other readers.   I make a sincere effort to be respectful, kind and transparent and ask the same respect from you.  I want to create a space to encourage, lift up, and motivate and ask for your help in doing that.  You are always welcome to disagree on topics and discussion in highly encouraged, just do it nicely!