Mind and Spirit

Happy Gratitude Month!

Hi All!  Welcome to November, or as I like to call it—-Gratitude month!  Why limit giving thanks to just one day this month when we can take a moment each day to celebrate all that we’ve been given.  Why is this so important and beneficial to your well being you may ask?  Well, I invite you to discover just 3 top reasons why starting a daily practice can be one of the most important habits you can do to change your life!


1.)  It can change your outlook on life and the way you think! 

Thought is energy.  Simple.  What that basically means is that you attract what you think and focus on.   More importantly, I believe your whole reality is what you think and focus on.  What happens when you start focusing on what your grateful for is that you begin to switch your outlook onto the good in your life.  When you are able to focus on the good in life it becomes easier to celebrate even the small things and begin to look forward to what’s next.  Focusing on the good can help make us happier people overall!  Studies have also shown a gratitude practice can help to improve PTSD, decrease stress, help with depression and even improve sleep!!!!


2.) It attracts more Good into your life!

As mentioned in the first reason—thought attracts reality.  Ever heard of the Secret or Law of Attraction?  Well, I think of it as a game the universe plays with us.  When we are focusing on even the smallest thing to be thankful for and truly embrace that gratitude feeling, the universe wants to reward us by throwing more good our way.  Sometimes you will have a day where you are really having to think about something that you are grateful for.  Yes, things can still go sideways sometimes but when we are focused on all the good things going on in our life it’s a lot easier to overcome and not get stuck on the bad.  Plus, I believe it makes seeing both sides of every situation a lot easier.  You begin to realize that everything really does happen for a reason and what you may perceive as a negative in your life at that moment could actually be a saving grace in the long term.


3.) It’s fun! 

This daily practice makes you look at your day and what you have in a unique way.  You are able to take a moment to reflect on your day (or whole life) and relive some pretty amazing experiences/ events/things all over again!  (Even if just in your mind).


Even if you’ve never even heard of a gratitude practice it’s never to late to start.  I like to take a few minutes each morning and reflect on 3 things I’m grateful for.  This can range anywhere from the health of my animals to the breakfast I’m looking forward to.  Even giving thanks for a good nights sleep!  I also made plans to start a gratitude journal to stay by the bedside so that every night I can reflect on what I’m grateful for each day.  I like the idea of a journal and actually writing something down so when times are rough you can reflect back on what’s going right in your life!  Also makes for a great month end/year end review!


I also invite you this month to check out my 30 day gratitude ritual each year where I dedicate each day on November to something I’m grateful for.  Head on over to Behind the mask section for more information!  I’d also love to hear something you are especially thankful for this month.  Please comment below!


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