Body, Running

Just Start!!!!


A lifestyle change begins with a vision and a single step”-  Jeff Galloway




One of my top goals this year  is to get back to running and getting into shape.  Not only is running one of my favorite past times but it has also contributed to some amazing friends and weekend getaways!


I first started running after going through a dark period in my life when I lost 2 of my dogs and the grief from that loss brought back unresolved feelings of grief and guilt over loosing my grandmother.  Through this period in my life I found a local running group called Raleigh Galloway.   The Galloway program is based on run/walk/run principles and the local chapter has weekly runs from various running spots around the triangle  preparing you to run long distance races.  The founder Jeff Galloway is the sweetest man you’ll ever meet and is a former Olympian who ran in 1972 Munich games.  He’s since gone on to assist many people become runners who many never have thought they could do it!   Myself included!  Can you believe he is still a runner at 72?!  Jeff is someone many run Disney fans may be familiar with and he’s present at every expo I’ve been to with encouragement and motivation for the race.  Truly an inspirational man!



The Galloway method incorporates run/walk/run and is pretty much what it sounds like:  Running with walk breaks! (Ever been on a race and hear strange beeps coming from another runner??? You can bet they are likely also Galloway peeps)   The whole idea is that you can get out on the roads running with quicker recovery and reduced fatigue.  By training this way you are able to continue racing and actually enjoy your time training, reduce recovery time, and you can start at any level.  There are various run/walk ratios you can choose to adapt to your level and there are multiple pace groups available at each group run to suit most anyone.  The group meets on Saturday am and you are expected to complete 2 additional runs on your own and any other cross-train or similar workouts to help build endurance.    Personally, I have chosen to run with the 13min/mil group or the Lucky 13s as we are called.  The ratio is 30/30 which means we run 30 sec and walk 30 sec.  Honestly, its the second to last group but it’s still faster than being on the couch!  Plus, I like to say that “Back of the Packers” get more bang from their entry fees due to being able to spend more time enjoying the route!


I had recently stopped running in the Galloway group due to the long distance driving to get to the training runs in combination with having to wake up early.  Honestly, I think stopping the group was a start to my most recent decline and fall back into a depression.  And so it has been a few seasons where I felt the desire to restart but the motivation was variable until a friend asked me for help training for an upcoming Disney race in November.  I heard the bells go off by that request.  The universe was telling me that ” yes, you really do need to go out and reclaim that part of your life.  Remember all the fun you had with both the group and doing races?  Well do more than just think about it and go do it!”  That was all it took for me to realize that the universe put this friend in my path to help motivate me to finally get off the couch and get back to what truly brings me joy.  It’s funny that while I knew part of what makes me happy is the joy and friendships being apart of a running group brings, finding the motivation and overcoming the darkness and excuses to take that step to get started was actually not that easy.  I just needed that extra kick in the butt and so decided that this would be the season I would reclaim this part of my life!

So you would think I would be up and ready to go that morning of kick-off right?!  Yea, no.   On Saturday morning I looked at the alarm clock and my inner ego tried to start the “really, don’t you want to sleep in?!  The dogs are too comfortable to move them,  Let’s do it next week!”  (See, it’s not always easy to get going).  Even if you know deep down that you want to make that step and have made a commitment to yourself, there is still a dance we play with ourselves and have to realize that we are stronger than than voice.   So I reminded myself of what I was missing and what part of myself I was trying to reclaim and that I needed to do this for me and for where I wanted to be in a year.  I had to be stronger than the excuses and I got up and didn’t regret a minute of it!

Kick-off was amazing!  I saw friends I haven’t seen in years and it was like a small reunion.  The run wasn’t easy, especially as I was still dealing with a respiratory injury from the week before and had to take more walk breaks than I had planned.  But the point is I was there.  I showed up.  I overcame my inner mean girl/ego and decided that I really could do it and could start with 1 single step.  Best part was that I realized I was not alone either.  Several other runners were back this season after taking time off and said they had to fight that part of yourself that says you can’t do it.  We were there to support each other and that personal commitment to get started!

After the run we were blessed to listen to Jeff Galloway speak at a mini expo/informational session and a drawing where I actually won an entry to the Charleston Marathon in January!    And I was able to reconnect with old friends and motivational cheerleaders whom I’m looking forward to a great season of rediscovering how strong we can be and doing more than we ever thought we could.  One step at a time really could turn into a great running season and a fall planned with race medals and bling!

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