Body, Running, wellness

Top 5 Must Haves to surviving Summer Running!

“A lifestyle change begins with a vision and a single step.”  Jeff Galloway

Summer is one of my favorite seasons.  Not only are the days longer and the nights warmer, but you also have more options to spend time and play outdoors!  However, with all the fun of summer you also have to use caution when exercising.  If you are new to running or just tired of hitting the treadmill and looking to get outdoors there are a few must haves for taking advantage of the summer running season!

1.)      Fuel Belt.  HYDRATION is top priority!  You should always be running with water anyway but for longer miles I recommend a fuel belt of some sort.  Not only are you able to carry your water but nice belts also have options/pockets for fuel, keys, emergency stuff (ie mustard, salt tabs, etc), and you can carry multiple water bottles so you can keep a bottle for water and one option with electrolytes if you want/need.  For shorter runs, a simple hand held bottle will work as well. Bottom line—Carry Water!!!!

2.)   Fuel.  This is an area that you may need to experiment with.  Things like texture, portability, and taste are key.  Training runs are great times to experiment to find your favorites. Some popular options are Sport Beans, Honey Stinger, Gu, and even things like dates or gummy bears work great too! 

3.)    Cooling Towel.  As the days get hotter having a way to cool off becomes necessary.  There are a lot of different brands out there but basically the “froggy toggs” or a similar cooling towel is perfect.  You can “refill” the towel as needed and it helps to cool you off during the run. 

4.)    Sunscreen.  This one is self-explanatory but easy to forget.  Make sure you also think about having sunglasses and either a running hat or visor to help with protection too!

Photo by Robert Metz on Unsplash

5.)    Clothing: NO COTTON!  Cotton will absorb sweat and lead to increased heat buildup.  Think moisture wicking and preferably lighter colors with a tech/running hat or visor. 

Some other helpful goodies are: 

  • Make sure you pack an extra pair of shoes/socks for ride home.   Nothing worse than sitting in the car with wet feet.  You may want to pack a pair of shoes/flip flops for after races/runs too, especially as the weather gets warmer.  Your feet will thank you!  My personal favorite after run feet treat are OOFOS.  Most running stores carry both the flip flop and slide sandal version in multiple colors so not only are they super comfy but also you look great!
  • Some sort of body glide or other lubricant to help prevent chafing and blisters!
  • Goal and journal.  Ok so this may be a little corny but bear with me.  As the summer gets hotter and you need to turn to earlier runs or (even the dreaded treadmill), nothing will keep you motivated more than having something to work towards.  For some it might be a weight loss goal, others it may be a certain race they want to finish.  If you don’t already have one, I encourage you to think about it and write it down!  I’d love to hear about YOUR goals too!!  We can work to keep each other motivated and encouraged!      You also may wanna keep a running journal!  What better way to keep track of your awesomeness?!  Write down your magic mile time, keep track of your mileage (and shoe mileage!), how you are feeling after the run, what fuel worked best? Ultimately, it’s up to you but it really can be a great tool in your training journey!  You can grab a running specific journal or just a fun notebook and make it yours!  Write down your goal in big letters so you can remind yourself what all the hard work is for!

Hope that helps get you started towards an awesome and safe summer running season!  Did I miss your favorite item?  Let me know by posting below and share with us your must-have!!!

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  • Donna Sayman

    This is very helpful! But I would add… carry a big stick to chase away snakes!

    07/17/2019 at 3:08 pm Reply
    • admin

      Lol!!! Or help black snakes off the road!

      07/18/2019 at 7:48 am Reply
  • Kate

    I don’t really run, but I definitely agree with you about sunscreen. I burn within ten minutes of going outside, so sunscreen is pretty much a constant companion of mine during the summer and spring months.

    07/17/2019 at 5:23 pm Reply
    • admin

      Hi Kate! Ty so much for your comment! Yes! Omg, I’m the same way. I have also tried to make sure all my lotions (esp face) have sunscreen in it!

      07/18/2019 at 7:47 am Reply
  • ThatAutisticFitChick

    Water is so so important when out in the summer – I take tons with me hiking.
    I’m curious about the mustard though – what is that for?

    07/18/2019 at 7:40 am Reply
    • admin

      Hey!!! Ty so much for your comment!!! With regards to mustard——I’ve seen a lot of people use it to combat cramps. (I haven’t tried it yet because 🤢🤮!)

      07/18/2019 at 7:46 am Reply
  • Glory

    I know water is important but I hate carrying it. I can’t stand wearing the belt, either! Any tips or words of wisdom?

    07/18/2019 at 8:38 am Reply
    • admin

      Hey Glory! Great question! If you don’t like the handheld bottles or the fuel belts there are 2 other options. First, Is the backpacks (hydropack) which sits on your back like a backpack and has a straw like tube to provide the water. Another option is simply to either set up water stops along your path or choose a path that has water fountains! You could park your car strategically along a mile(or any distance) loop) and simply run that loop with the intention of stopping at the car for your water! Hope that helps!

      07/18/2019 at 10:11 am Reply
  • Heather

    Ahh summer running makes for PRs in the Fall, at least that is what I keep telling myself. LOL. This is a great list. For anything over 5 miles, I put NUUN in my hydration vest. I love it. I also try to run early in the morning before it gets too hot.

    07/18/2019 at 11:07 am Reply
    • admin

      I love that—yes it sure does lol!!!! Ty for your comment Heather! I’m not a big fan of NUUN but totally agree with you about having something extra for longer miles!

      07/18/2019 at 5:54 pm Reply

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